Пишет  Rexia:
15.03.2011 в 14:55

Today I can see that your glance is especially sad,
Your arms are especially fragile around your knees.
Just listen: away, far away by the waters of Tchad
A dainty giraffe roams at ease.

It’s granted with graceful proportion and languorous slip,
Its hide is ornate with the pattern of magical flakes,
Comparable only with moon in its heavenly trip,
Which splinters and rocks on the moisture of bottomless lakes.

The distance makes it look like colourful sails of a boat,
Its running is light, like the flight of a bird in the skies.
I know that the Earth has a hundred of wonders to note
At dusk, when it hides in its marbelish cave for disguise.

I’m keeping the outlandish tales with the happiest gist -
The beautiful priestess, the warrior’s passion and pain,
But you for too long have been breathing the everglade mist
And fail to believe in a thing, but the infinite rain.

And how can I tell you about my tropical fad,
Slim palms and the scent of unthinkable grass-tainted breeze…
You’re crying…? Just listen…away, far away by the waters of Tchad
A dainty giraffe roams at ease.

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@темы: переводы, Rexia